Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Pretentious, Pontificating Prophets: Or Holy Rollers Revealed:

There are 3 people that I consider to be 'led by the Holy Spirit'. And this topic is not about them. It's about those people who feel it's their job to change the world. And no, I'm not talking about JWs, they're so outwardly obvious with their stupidity, they need no help from me. I'm talking about those arrogant, so-called Christians who preach the almighty word, and practice a different lifestyle.

It's these same people that believe I'm impressed with their godliness. I don't give a flying fuck what they do with their religion. I have my beliefs; you have yours, leave me alone. I don't care how holy you believe you are.

But then, every once in a blue moon, you see 'em. The truth of the pontificating prophet breaks the surface and exposes itself as the phony it really is.

The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians, who acknowledge Jesus with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. THAT is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable. (Rev. Billy Graham)

I was witness to a situation that exposed a family of "Christians" to the dark side of reality. One might expect that they'd turn and run FOR their God. But what really happened was the opposite; they ran FROM their God. What's better than a Holy Roller running from the faith that they wear like an Olympic medal? How about those same Holy Rollers exiling everyone who would oppose them.

Because the perpetrator was within their family, they circled the wagons around themselves. They said fuck you to anyone who asked, "What would Jesus do.” And they began the process of defying the laws of the land.

From this begs the question; how would they counsel someone in their church that has a similar problem? "That is evil unless the perpetrator is a member of your direct family" (amen). How can they go to church and lead others to Christ when they, themselves, only follow Him when it is convenient to do so?

The moral of the story, don't push your faith around me. I'm fed up with this bullshit. Lead with your life; not your pretentious, self-righteous, propagandistic words.

[BTW, I still do believe in God in spite of the stupid religious people out there.]

1 comment:

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