Not a whole lot has happened in the last couple of weeks. With Jess being pretty sedentary, we don't go out much and pretty much wit for people to come to us. People have been nice and brought us food now and then so that has been a big help when it happens. Jess is healing and rehabilitating well. The doctor is impressed by how well she is doing and we can see noticeable improvements in her range of motion! It is still around another 3-5 weeks until she is allowed to walk, but if she keeps this up, she'll be good to go in no time!
Jess and I are still infatuated with our new little nephew. He brings us so much joy when he comes over and he is the absolute cutest thing I have ever seen. We can't get enough of him!
The other exciting to happen was an engagement photo shoot I did for some family members last weekend. I had so much fun and I owe part of that to the fact that the they were both such good sports. They WANTED to be there and were receptive to everything I suggested while coming in with some great ideas of their own. I think it really translated into my best photo shoot yet. Check out the slideshow here, I am really proud of some of them!
With that, I'll just post the pics of the day from the last two weeks. Sorry, no explanation on all of them - too tired! :-)

You have been an AMAZING care giver. I am SO thankful for your help while I am down and out. I'm sorry you've been so busy; I promise to start pulling my own weight again as soon as I am able.
Lil Dude is the best! I love him more than words can even begin to describe.
Your photo shoot turned out PHENOMENAL! I was bursting with pride as you showed me the unedited pictures. You really are learning and turning into a great photographer.
I comment on your daily photos on your Facebook photography page, so don't think I'm ignoring them.
And for the record: I LOVE YOU! Everything about you - how patient you've been with me, the amount of responsibility you've taken on without complaining, the stopping what you're doing to help me, how wonderful you are with Lil Dude, what a great photographer you are - and those only skim the surface!
I've missed your blogging and glad you are back.
Castle Rock Zinfandel. Yup! Been there. :-)
Those are some very nice pictures you took of the lovely engaged couple. The one you posted on this site is the best and the one of Cassie and Lil Dude is amazing!
You are a great husband to take such wonderful care of Jessica. She will be back to normal before we know it. Love you both! Hugs, Nani
I, too, have missed your blogging but understand how busy you have been. I am so sorry that I have been absent in helping out the two of you. I will get there when I can or just call and let me know what you need. The pictures, all of them, are just as amazing as you are. You are a great son and husband and I love you so much.
Gorgeous shots! And I hope Jess is recuperating well.
Excellent work on the engagement photo shoot, I just finished watching it. What a beautiful couple!
These are just about the best photos I see on any blog.
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