Thursday, May 19, 2005

Version 1.0

What would you die for? Better yet, what would you kill for? Emotions have a way of making people act a certain way, but it is the most powerful of them all that makes us do things that once were impossible. LOVE. It can blind a man into sacrificing his own morale fiber to gain knowledge of how to extend this love that he has in his heart. It can bring tears of joy and sadness simultaneously to two seperate people who are miles apart. It can narrow the focus of a person to the point of validating the belief in the oft used cliche "means to an end". Love is the most powerful of all the emotions in that it can morph itself into any other emotion and magnify it's intensity to the point that one forgets that love was what started it all in the first place.

It brings the question again. What would you die for? What would you kill for? Love has always been and will continue to be something that can never be kept a secret. In order to keep something hidden from the outside world one must have a cold, calculating heart that allows no emotion to betray his sole purpose of staying hidden. That kinda natural-never-felt-it-before-but-don't-doubt-it-at-all love makes you the kinda person that could never hide at all. And why would anyone want to hide that kida feeling? Especially if this love has been the cause of so many changes and the one reason you are the person you are today.

I know turn back into the regular me. My name is Rich Bauer. I will misspell and abuse the english language all the time and just kinda hope you all get what I mean. Hope you come back again soon. Cause it doesn't all have to be about complaints and grievances. By the way, if you are curious about the first two paragraphs then I simply say this......GO SEE Star Wars episode 3. It's a love story. And that was my 2 paragraph take on it. Or was it.........

1 comment:

MrManuel said...

So, are you sure there is no hidden meaning in that post? Although, I was thinking Star Wars too as I was reading it. Makes me wonder though...