Friday, February 18, 2011

The King of Bunco

February 18th, 2011 - Day 49

I was a sub tonight for the ladies' Bunco night and guess what, I actually came out on top as the big winner! Technically, I won two of the four prizes, but as they have a rule that you can only win one, I took the prize that paid out the most money!
 February 18th, 2011 - Day 49


Miss Sassy Pants said...

Classy capture of a fun, loud, rowdy game. I'm glad you were able to sub for us, but it must have been beginner's luck that you won. Where's my finder's fee?

Mom said...

Had a lot of fun with you there. Two times subbing now you are considered our dedicated sub. Glad you won the big prize. It allowed me to take the other prize by default. I'm glad our "fun" game will be in your "year in pictures"

laura b. said...

Love the angle and the shading in your bunco picture. And congrats on you luck with the ladies ;-)

Tara said...

Congrats on the big win!

Churlita said...

I've never played bunco before, but I've always been curious. Another nice shot.