Ok, after sitting on this post for a couple of weeks, I am finally going to do this post and expand on what I had initially planned.
I am SICK, S-I-C-K, of all the chain letters that go around the internet that try to warn people, especially women of all the "true" things that people are doing that endanger their safety. You know what I am talking about. They all sound pretty much the same - Women beware - this is the new way that people are taking advantage of you in parking lots or beware of little girls asking for change, they will lead you to a murderer. You know, urban legends. Jessica gets these ALL the time at work and I simply go on SNOPES.com which is a site that debunks all of these dumb chain emails and usually tells how they originated. It usally takes me about a minute or less after she forwards them to me to find the story she had just sent me to disprove and find the whole thing is hogwash. Granted, I know she doesn't believe them either, but she likes me to find the truth so she can forward it back to whoever sent it to her.
Yesterday, she sent me another one and this is what I wrote back...
Jesus Christ with these gullible people!!!
I think I am going to make up my own and try to pass it along just to see how far it gets.
Let's see....
WARNING WOMEN(and MEN TOO)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEWARE THIS NEW SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a friend who works at the (insert your local police station here) police station and she says she has heard of this on a couple of occasions now in her department. There are a group of young men(probably Mexican) who are going around and posing as a survey agency that is testig(make sure to have at least spelling mistake!) out some new chocolates. They ring your doorbell, tell you they are not selling anything, and promise you $20 to take their quick survey. They are representing Hershey's, show you an offical name tag, and ask you to try a variety of samples so Hershey's can decide what next candy they will releae to the public. BEWARE!!!!!! The chocolate contains a substance that will knock you out INSTANTLY!!! Once you are out, they will rob your house and if you are a woman, THEY WILL RAPE YOU!!!!!!!! I know it sounds like common sense not to try food from a stranger, but people are falling for this. If you care about your loved ones, please pass this on to as many people as you can.
I actually had fun writing that even though it took me only about 2 minutes. Then a revelation hit me. It would be so much fun to see who coyld write the best fake one. What better place to do it than to hold this contest on my blog. So, here are the details...
I am holding a contest to see which of my readers can write the best BEWARE Urban Legend. I am going to runt his contest a week and all entries need to be emailed to me by next Monday might around 10 PST. I am looking to see who can write the most believable story. Since the whole thing pisses me off, the winner will get a copy of a CD I will burn called "Songs that just make me Angry!" If you want it the CD of course.
Please email all entries to pokermanuel@hotmail.com. Do Not post them here. Got it? I hope to see a ton of entries and multiple entries ARE allowed. Good luck and come back this week because I have a lot to talk about.