Monday, December 13, 2004

The weekend update

Hmm... so much to tell. I went to a staff Christmas party on Saturday. I tell ya, nothing kills a fun white elephant gift exchange like someone bringing a "nice" present. Either you have no idea what a white elephant party is or you have no imagination. Is it really that hard to go into your garage and find a piece of garbage that can be passed off as a present? EVERYONE has received some gift in the past that is so gosh darn putrid that it has to go in the garage or the closet instantly. For example, I had this ugly wooden viking/gerbil/munchkin pen holder thing that I have had for years. Yeah, it was time to get rid of it. I also took from my father some hat that was made out of tighty white-ies. That just screamed white elephant. THAT got traded 5 times. The nice looking candle someone brought- traded ZERO times. Tell me which is more fun? Sure, the candle has more use, but that is not what the goddamn party is for! What a bunch of prudes...

Saw Alexander this weekend. On a scale of 1 to 10 of how much I wanted to see it I would give it a -2. I just was not in the mood to see some Oliver Stone 3 hour preach festival. My father wanted to go see it really bad, so being the kind son I am, I went. Besides, he paid. Well guess what? It was a damn fine movie! Now I don't mind long movies at all. I have seen plenty of epics. I just heard this one wasn't good. It actually ended up being really good. Long, but good. I think the only thing that could have made it better was to chop off maybe 20 minutes. That potentially could have made it a 5 star movie for me. But alas, it was a teeny bit long so it only gets 4 stars out of 5. Plus, Angelina Jolie was so hot in the movie. Creepy, but hot. Now, she still doesn't make the aformentioned top 5 list, but she was still a looker. The scale of my top 5 is still to come. Maybe sometime this week.

Alright. Nothing else to complain about/praise today. I do get to see Oceans's 12 tomorrow though, and I am ecstatic about that.

I should think of some cool signout. "Seacrest out" does not qualify as a cool signout. Sorry dude...


Anonymous said...

I'll disagree. I think that the only fun of a white elephant gift is if everyone wants to play. I've been to far too many white elephant exchanges where NOBODY trandes anything. I'll usually bring something that I wouldn't mind going back home with, and I'll steal my own gift back. At my last white elephant exchange I brought a bottle of Arrogant Bastard Ale. It was the only thing that was stolen. I stole it. :)

Miss Sassy Pants said...

That's why I don't like white elephant gift exchanges. The people who don't know how to play ruin it for those who do. It's one of those things that have to be all or nothing.