Thursday, July 22, 2010

Manuel on Movies #19

Here we go with some more movies...

Knowing - Interesting Nic Cage movie where he finds these set of numbers and realizes the numbers correspond to dates of disasters that have happened in the world.  Then he sees that some of the numbers actually predict disasters that haven't happened yet.  Finally, he realizes that one of the sets of numbers actually predict the end of the world and that it is VERY soon.  The film then follows Cage as he attempts to see if it is correct and if so, if he will be able to predict it.  It is at that point near the end when things get slightly weird, but overall, this was a pretty decent movie, at least more than I expected.  7  out of 10.

My Bloody Valentine - This was a pretty straight forward slasher film about a guy who kills people with mining equipment like a pick axe.  It was nothing special, but the kills were pretty cool.  This film was actually in the theaters in 3D, and was one of the first before this HUGE 3D boom hit us.  You could tell some of the kills would have been pretty neat in 3D.  Entertaining, but forgettable.  6 out of 10

Jennifer's Body - Pretty awesome movie starring Megan Fox where she is killed by a group of guys and then comes back from the dead to wreak havoc and kill.  It may sound like a simple horror, but it actually does well because of the dialogue of the characters.  This was writer, Diablo Cody's (who wrote the great Juno), second script and despite the horror aspects, this really is a clever, witty film on par with what Juno was, albeit, in a more sadistic style.  It's fairly violent and crass, but highly entertaining because of the script.  Definitely better than it seems at first glance.  7.5 out of 10

9 - An amazing computer animated film that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where all humans are dead and only machines are alive.  However, there are some dolls that were brought to life right before the war and these little creatures soon discover that not only do the machines want them dead as well, but that they may have the key to the future of civilization.  It sounds kind of confusing, but it is fairly straightforward.  What makes this film so amazing is, visually, it is beautiful.  Watching this on Blu Ray was an absolute joy because of how simply amazing it looks and how great it sounded.  And storywise, it is very touching and very well done.  This may have slipped under some people's radars, but it is an absolute must see.  9 out of 10

Sherlock Holmes - Truthfully, Robert Downey Jr. can do no wrong right now and this movie was no exception.  I had never seen anything Sherlock Holmes related so I had zero attachment to the character coming in, but I thoroughly enjoyed myself during this movie.  The banter between Holmes and Watson is great and the directing was spectacular like usual from Guy Ritchie.  I thought it got maybe a little slow in some parts, but the action scenes and humor more than make up for it.  The scene in the docks where the giant ship comes loose shook my whole house as I got my money's worth with my speaker towers and sub woofer.  It sounded AWESOME!  8.5 out of 10.


Mom said...

I've seen Knowing and Sherlock Holmes. Knowing I thought was okay and Sherlock Holmes I was not interested in at all -- the only reason I saw it was because of Robert Downey Jr. -- very glad I did. I really don't know much or care about Sherlock Holmes but I enjoyed the movie.

Love your posts!!!!

Tara said...

Great reviews as always! I haven't seen any of these movies, but I was curious about "Sherlock Holmes", "9" and "Knowing".

Was "9" directed by Tim Burton?

nani said...

We also saw Knowing and thought it was just OK. We are big Sherlock Holmes fans and Robert Downey Jr just made it all the more enjoyable for us. Loved it! Couldn't see Jennifer's body. :-(

Churlita said...

Loved Sherlock Homes. I might actually watch Jennifer's Body with my girls now. I didn't know much about it before.

Drew said...

Keep 'em coming! Filling up my Netflix queue. Thank you!

MrManuel said...

Tara - He produced, I believe, but didn't direct it.

laura b. said...

Thanks again, MrManuel. I have been wanting to see Sherlock Holmes and 9 definitely sounds interesting.

Miss Sassy Pants said...

Admittedly, I did not pay too much attention to 9 and Sherlock Holmes. Perhaps I should give them another go...