Monday, January 10, 2011

Roped In

January 10th, 2011 - Day 10

"We learn the rope of life by untying its knots.”

So, yeah, I love this picture.  I originally went outside with a different shot in mind.  I took a few shots, but wasn't happy with the lighting.  It would have been a decent shot, but not exactly what I was looking for.  I can try it again with the right lighting.  As a backup, I took this shot right before I went back inside and instantly knew I was going to like it.  Seeing it on the bigger screen, I am quite pleased.

January 10th, 2011 - Day 10


Miss Sassy Pants said...

This is a great shot. I like that the rope is mostly blurry except for one small spot, which is so crisply in focus. And the vivid color of the green grass, especially amid this uncharacteristically cold winter, is a refreshing reminder of better weather to come. Nice work, sweetie!

Mom said...

This is a really cool pic. I love the contrast of color and also the clarity in the one spot. Great.

Jose said...

Master critic and your number one fan Miss Sassy Pants said it all. Me, I will just concur. :)

laura b. said...

There is something very tactile about this shot...I really want to run my fingers over the rope and brush them over the tender looking green grass.

Churlita said...

I like this one a lot. You can feel the tension in the rope.