Friday, October 12, 2007

Frightful Dilemma Friday #11

Just a question today. Super busy with work but wanted to get something out there to you all.

Would you rather...

Have to clip a homeless stranger's disgusting toenails


clip your own toenails and then eat them?

Hmm..the things we have to go through.

Be back or the Scavenger Hunt picture tomorro...


Anonymous said...

I don't want to do either but I would rather eat my own clippings knowing that I wash daily and keep my feet clean.

thejerkstore said...

no brainer. eat my own. for the same reason nani said.

Miss Sassy Pants said...

Me three - at least I know where my feet have been...

Michelle said...

As long as I could have gloves, I'd clip the homeless man's toenails. I've seen a lot of disgusting shit, and I hate feet, so eating mine? EW! But I'd eat them if I didn't have gloves.

Anonymous said...

I'd go for my own feet. I wouldn't mind eating them either - it's the same principle as biting your nails, then bending them back and forth between your teeth until they break. Plus my feet are clean. When I was a kid, I was flexible enough to bite my toenails, so I did!!

Mom said...

I know where my feet have been - that was way too easy!

laura b. said...

I wouldn't mind clipping a homeless man's toenails as long as I didn't have to eat them. It might make me feel like a good person. haha!