Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Tom Cruise is weird. This is a video of him. The last 10 seconds are the scariest I think...


Anonymous said...

I think he thinks he's in a good place. I agree with you. He's weird and more than a little scary.

Anonymous said...

I saw this thing the other was like a train wreck. I could not tear myself away from it even though I cannot stand him. He gives me the creeps.

Anonymous said...

You should have seen Katie Holmes on Letterman the other night...THAT was weird. She is like a completely different person.

Miss Sassy Pants said...

I'm the first to admit that Tom Cruise is an alien, but I don't think he's scary in this video. I think he is someone who believes in something with every ounce of his being. He's excited about Scientology, he believes in it, he wants others to know about it. The parts where he sounded crazy, like talking about running from the SPs and stuff, he sounded crazy because the viedo showed a clip from the middle of a conversation. I'm sure at one point he said what an SP was and that clip would have made sense if we had heard the story from the beginning. Listen, it kills me that I am, in a way, defending Tom Cruise, but truthfully, he's just an adamant believer in his religion. His enthusiasm is no different than an excited Catholic or Hindu or Jew or Buddist spreading the word about their beliefs.

Jose said...

I just to be a huge Tom Cruise fan. I still enjoy most of his old movies but only think of him as a character, his real life persona now is in fact creepy. He strikes me as one of those brain washed cult members.