Sunday, October 23, 2005

The vulgarity, part 2

Maybe "vulgarity" is not the right word for it, but it is easier than "I can't believe the what comes out of the mouths of some people."

The other day a lady had a baby, and her mother was in the room with her. After the baby was cleaned up and given back to the mom, the patient's mom says, "You gotta give that baby some titty."

And here I was, this whole time, thinking it was called breastfeeding...


Anonymous said...

It may be a cultural thing.

Anonymous said...

Then again, it may be a class thing. No class.

MrManuel said...

Or it could be a people just don't care thing. No such thing to them as an approproate social situation.

Anonymous said...

I'm with the "no class"
