Wednesday, January 11, 2006

So Mad, I Can't Even Think of a Title

This morning, I had an eye doctor appointment. I go to turn left into the parking lot and I see that someone is coming out of the entrance. The exit is right next to the entrance, but I figure this guy is just an idiot. Even though he is in the way, I have plenty of room and I go. As I pass by him, I realize that he is flipping me off with a really angry look on his face. Whatever,it is way too early in the morning to bother with something like this. I pull into the parking lot and park. Out of the corner of my eye, I realize that he is coming back in the parking lot at full speed where he proceeds to park behind my car so it is boxed in. I figure I better lock my door. He gets out and he starts yelling at me about how I am the type of person that drives up everyone's car insurance. The F-Bombs and A-Holes are flying left and right out of his mouth. I calmly tell him (with the window closed of course), that I had the right of way, he was going the wrong way, and I was doing nothing wrong. He then yells more and spits on the car. I figure this is going nowhere and decide I'll just let him yell until he gets tired. He then yells at me for not talking to him and proceeds to start kicking the car. Needless to say, it was time to call the police on my cell. As I reached for it though, he ran back to the car and took off. Because of the angle I was at and where I was parked, I could not get his license plate. I got out and sure enough, my car door has a dent in it. I checked in to my appointment and then went back out to check on the car just in case he came back. This white trash hick was defintely off his rocker and I wasn't putting it past him to go back home and then come back with Junior and Cletus for more mayhem. Was I scared? Not really. I was just on high alert and ready for anything. I didn't reach for my phone right away because if he was crazy enough to warrant a phone call, he would have done something by the time the cops got there anyways. However, when he started kicking the car, I had had enough. I'm not going to report it though. Before I came to this conclusion, I called and asked my friend Gabe who is a Highway Patrolman. He told me as a friend, it sucks that that happened, but as a law enforcement official, he could honestly tell me it would be a waste of time. He went on to tell me all the reasons why and it made sense. Frankly, all I have is a description of him and I know he drives a green Aerostar. After that, there is nothing the cops can do and it would be a waste of time. So, I usually stew on things that make me mad for a long time so you can imagine how long this will be on my mind. I had a meeting at work and I don't even remember what we talked about. I know this is going to stick with me for a while. I am just so irate right now.


Miss Sassy Pants said...

Honey, that is a scary thing that happened and I am just glad you didn't get hurt. I am pissed off our car is jacked up, but I'm happy that YOU are not jacked up.

Anonymous said...

That's a pretty good title.
Seriously, I'm so glad you are OK. Crazy guys like that are capable of anything and you did the right thing to keep your cool. You are angry though because the primal man in you wanted to thrash the idiot. He would deserve it. Still, I'm glad you didn't.
We love you. :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to read that you stayed in the car. When you called me yesterday I was under the impression that you were outside of the car. You never know who you can trust or what frame of mind they are in. A friend of mine at work told me about a professionaly dressed lady in front of her at a stop light that was rocking out in her car and then rolled back (twice). The second time she hit my friend. The lady got out of the car and because of the way she was dressed my friend thought she was going to apologize and look at damages, etc. Instead she reached in the car, grabbed her hair and started cussing her out for hitting her car. Fortunately there was a witness to the whole thing but just the same, there wasn't much the police would do. I'm just glad you are ok. Love ya