Thursday, January 05, 2006

Why I always wanted to be Jimmy Reardon

OK. First you have to understand that it is 2 am. So, this is destined to sound crazy. There is this movie from the 80's called, "A Night in the life of Jimmy Reardon." Not the greatest movie of it's generation, but some things always stick out to people as things they saw for the first time and got their minds to being curious about more than just kids stuff. Just having watched it again for the first time in many years I have uncovered my secret role model. I have always wanted to be Jimmy Reardon. Here is why.......
He spent the entire movie trying to get to Hawaii. All he needed was $188. At 17 he just wanted to get away and start anew. Turns out all I needed was $5,000. I just didn't have Mr. Reardon's drive and determination to get it by any means neccessary.
He spent the entire movie either talking his way into or accidentally falling into the arms of many beautiful women. His best friend's girl, His Mom's best friend, A college girl at a diner he met at 2 am, and even the Hawaii-bound virgin rich girl played by the girl of my teenage dreams Meredith Salenger. Being as that I was too caught up in having my head up my ass back in the day, I might have been just like Jimmy. Dreams I do still have.
I wish I was that smooth a dresser. Sport coats and ties. Nice ass sweaters. Yeah, I said nice ass to describe how a sweater looks. SO WHAT! Those shoes too. Someday I am gonna walk into a room looking that smooth.
In one of the final scene's he is sprawled out flat on the wet asphalt with a bruised eye and a busted lip from having got his ass whooped by the dude who just drove away with the girl of his dreams, Miss Hawaii bound herself. Having spent many a nights getting that beat up over the past few years I know exactly what that is like. That said, I would still wanna be on that ground beat up just like Jimmy. I'd rather chase the ONE than be given SOME. That's a thinker again folks. My new stolen motto fits right here. I'd give up a 1,000 tomorrows for just one yesterday.
Jimmy eventually finds out that his Mom's best friend has not only had him, but his father as well. Jimmy finally comes to realize that the parent that stood before him was also a human being afterall. Sometimes it takes something dramatic to bring this sort of enlightenment about. In other cases it just finally dawns on a kid that people just aren't what we've come to think they are. If only I had followed the teachings of Jimmy Reardon long ago. Oh the trouble I would have saved. I'd be in Hawaii with my tanned gorgeous wife and I wouldn't be up at 2 30 am watching House Party 4 starring IMX. That'll be funny to someone out there. Rabble Rock!


Miss Sassy Pants said...

Rich, a wise man once said, "It's better to die on your feet than live a lifetime on your knees."

MrManuel said...

We always have things we could go back and change with the old addage, "I wish I knew then what I knew now." The hard part is taking that knowledge and seeing what you can do with it in the future. As another movie says, sometimes you have to ask yourself if the juice is worth the squeeze.

Anonymous said...

good one both of you and well said. Rich, hang in there!