"Since the response to my photo scavenger hunt was really good and enthusiastic, I think I will proceed. Let’s take a stab at this. The “Saturday Scavenger Shots” activity (not a contest) or game is on. I will try to lay down the groundwork for the idea and of course, accept any input that you all may want to add to the idea.
As I mentioned the other night, my idea is to use this as a means to play with your cameras and get a cheap and easy weekend post out of it. All the while, making sort of a game of it. It seems like a fun idea and enough people were interested in it. Here are the parameters of the activity/game:
• The premise is to find photo-ops related to a word given by a participant. I used “blue” as an example the other night. The word “blue” could be taken as a blue, colored object. It could be interpreted as a mood or feeling. You could take a photo of something that is racy or raunchy and see that as “blue”. You could take a photograph a blue’s band. I leave defining the word of the week to you.
•About the word of the week: one person out in blog-world will come up with the word. This person is determined by the last person who chose the word. For example, if Alien did the word for a week, he might choose Tara. This is where I need some help. How will the next person get “tagged” and how will everyone else know what the new word is? I have a few ideas:
The person is named on the Saturday/Sunday post of the weeks photos, leaving the rest of the participants to check that blog. The named does a post that names the new word on their blog.
An Email group that identifies the new person and the new word.
A Sunday post that names the new person and word done by me or some other point person
Input please…..
•As mentioned above, once the new word for the week is determined on say Sunday (if that is OK), the participants have the entire week to look for associated photo-ops. One might choose to take 1 photo or 10, I leave that to you. Scanning old photos is perfectly acceptable as well. (I have a scanner now and I want to use it)
•The only rule is that everyone use original photos that they have on hand or take during the week.
•On the Saturday of the given week, everyone posts the photo(s) on their blogs and lets the fun begin.
•Sunday, I think could be the starting point for the next week (see above)…..once again, input please."
So, Evil E decided to make the week of photos revolve around the word, "FALL." I had a great idea that I was really excited about. I was going to take a picture of poker chips falling out of a hand to the table. I tried many times, but I couldn't get the chips to stay in focus. I know it has to do with the speed they drop, but I just couldn't get something I liked. I guess I need help with shutter speed and aperature and all that business. Night Panther, I am looking in your direction! Anyway, I decided to instead use a picture I took last weekend at my cousin's wedding. I think the picture looks very Fall like and to top it off, it was taken on the first day of Fall. Not what I wanted, but I guess it came out ok.
Be sure to click on it to see it in all its glory. He has named Tara as the person to come up with this week's word. I just glanced at it and she came up with "Bug." Should be a fun one!
Nice farmhouse! I like the little red outhouse too with the crescent moon window. The whole thing reminds me of this place my family and I went to pick out pumpkins and go for a hayride. Well done! Hopefully you can find a way to get the poker chips in focus, because that was a great idea you had!
excellent use of fall....I did not think fall looked like that in California.
You should have used the chips anyway. I used a blurred photo that I took from my moving car. The chips would have been a cool use of "fall".
Very good idea. This should be a fun photo challenge for you.
Yeah, I really like the little outhouse too! Really nice picture MrManuel.
Use a tripod and Pre focus manually on the spot where the chips are going to be, and use a flash. that sounds like a really cool picture, I'm looking forward to seeing it. I've tried to do something similar with water drops. It takes a lot of tries to get a good shot. I haven't tried it in a couple years, not since I went digital. I'll have to give it a try. good Luck :)
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