Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 14, 2009 - Day 47

July 14, 2009 - Day 47
Originally uploaded by pokermanuel
Shipwrecked and abandoned

This was out by the railroad tracks by my house.


Miss Sassy Pants said...

This picture makes it look like we live in a questionable part of town... The log as the "tire" of the trailer is the best!

I like that you can see hints of the sunset on the horizon behind the boat. Another great picture, my love. I love that you can find art in what most see only as discarded trash.

Sal said...

Every day when I look at your new picture, my mind invariably makes up a story, or at the very least provides some possible backstory. Both my dad and my uncle owned boats very similar to the one pictured, and today's photo made me reminisce about the fun I had on them.

From the improvised tires to the rusty trailer and the discolored hull, the image of this unwanted boat sitting forgotten in perpetual dry-dock as day turns to evening is heartbreaking.

Mom said...

Good deep comment Sal,
I love this picture because it expresses the importance of always having your camera with you. You never know what is going to touch someone, like it did Sal. Good job

Jose said...

It is fun posting a picture a day, I've been doing it for the past three years. Not a bad looking boat, it porbably looked good in its better days.

Churlita said...

I love those lonely looking photos. They get me every time.