Wednesday, July 22, 2009

July 22, 2009 - Day 55

July 22, 2009 - Day 55
Originally uploaded by pokermanuel

Got really busy with work today and am now watching a movie so movie reviews are delayed until tomorrow.


Mom said...

You are watching a movie. Hope you enjoy it.

Is this Jenga? Very nice picture and angle. I love the black and white photos.

Miss Sassy Pants said...

I LOVE this picture!! Mom's right - the black and whites turn our really well...

Sal said...

Gotta love Jenga! Of course, my unsteady hands have proven my downfall on more than one occasion. Nice shot, especially in black and white.

Can't wait for some movie reviews tomorrow!

Churlita said...

Jenga! I can't wit for the movie reviews. I'm always interested to see what you're watching and what you thought of it.

laura b. said...

Right when everyone saw this they said, 'Jenga!'...some of us said it out loud, because we're impulsive like that.
Looking forward to your always helpful movie reviews :-)

AlienCG said...

Don't pull that piece out too quickly, the whole thing could fall. Good picture, great detail.