Thursday, February 12, 2009

The CT

First of all, no, I don't have any results yet. I thought I would get that out of the way. I did have my CT scan today though. It was the first time I have ever had an IV put in, but that didn't hurt at all. Well, actually, I probably had an IV when I had tubes in my ears as a kid, but I don't remember it. They had to give me an IV because they had to inject a dye into me so they could see the CT scan easier. At the beginning of the scan, they injected the dye and I was told I would get a warm, burning feeling throughout my body. Well, I didn't get that feeling throughout my body.

I got the warm, burning feeling in my butt.

Yes, my ass was burning up, but all I could do was laugh. It wasn't a stinging burning feeling, but more or a real burn, as if someone had a lighter right in that area.

After the burning came a bit of nausea, and for a while I thought I was going to throw up. But I held it in and before I knew it, I was done. They pulled me out and I was itchy all over. They looked at me and right away asked if I felt like I was bitten during the procedure. Sure enough, I felt my face and I had a huge bump on my cheek. Apparently, I was allergic to the dye and I had broken out in hives. So, because of this allergic reaction, they wouldn't let me leave right away. They helped me to a seat (I felt fine) and took my vitals every 10 minutes for a half hour to make sure I was ok and not having any further allergic reactions. Again, I felt fine, but they were being cautious. By the end of the half hour, my hives had also gone down too. But, I learned I am allergic to Iodine dye today. And it makes my ass burn.

They told me I should be able to get results from the doctor by tomorrow afternoon. Good thoughts.


Miss Sassy Pants said...

As a nurse I feel it is my duty to educate you that people allergic to iodine are often allergic to shellfish as well. Good thing you don't really like shrimp, crab or lobster... Then again, if you did, we may have discovered your allergy earlier.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. I had no idea about the connection between iodine and shellfish, although it makes perfect sense as, if I'm not mistaken certain shellfish contain iodine.

I'm all too familiar with the warm sensation that dye provides, as I've had several IVP procedures. I never had the burning in my butt though. It's good that, with all that was happening, you were able to laugh.

For what it's worth, we're sending plenty of good thoughts, and we're confident that soon this will be just another adverse situation you managed to overcome!

-Sal and Katie

Anonymous said...

Burning butt huh! LOL!! You are so cute. I hope you get your results early in the afternoon. Happy thoughts and hugs.

Mom said...

You didn't tell me about the burning ass! That's funny!

laura b. said...

Learn something new everyday! I'm glad you found something to laugh about :-)