Friday, February 06, 2009


The above title says it all. Really, if that is what someone wants to do, so be it. I won't judge you. But when you are a public figure like that who a) kids look up to and b) has a LOT of sponsors now and coming his way in the future, it wasn't really the best choice was it, bub? But, you did it, you got caught, and now you have to deal with it. So, bravo to you. You get a big thumbs up!



Jose said...

Was this pre or post the Olympics?

Anonymous said...

People do make mistakes. Sometimes they go unnoticed. Sometimes they don't. Either way, there are consequences.

Anonymous said...

Well said!

Anonymous said...

The above comment is mine. Per usual, I forgot to include my name.


Miss Sassy Pants said...

Post Olympics, Jose - this past October or November.

I'm in 100% agreeance with you, Man. I don't care what people do in their own time, but really, someone like Michael Phelps, in THAT much of a spotlight, could have made a better decision. Especially after that drunk driving thing he already has on his record...

laura b. said...

I think in this internet age people are going to need to be a lot more aware of how their actions are going to be millions, instantly.

Mom said...

It's hard to live a normal life when you are such a public figure. If he was a regular joe public - so be it - you do what you want. But, when you are such a BIG star and so soon after the Olympics, he really should have thought twice. I know he is celebrating and just a regular guy right now - or so he probably thought - but pretty dumb mistake.

Churlita said...

I'm sure it's hard to be under that much scrutiny at that age. Back in the 80's when i was in college, everyone smoked pot and drank and probably way worse. But there weren't people to take photos and post them instantly on the web either.