Monday, April 06, 2009


Yup, I have been bad about blogging lately. Sorry, last couple of weeks it has only been one a week. Just laziness really. I know I'll be better this week. Promise...

Most noteworthy thing around our house is that Jess started a new job today, although you could almost call it an old job. Yes, Jess is returning to the hospital to do labor and delivery again and to deliver babies into the world. She left the pain management clinic, or rather, she was forced. Ever since she came back from suspension, they have been mysteriously cutting her hours and telling her they just didn't have work for her despite the fact that nothing had changed. She went from 5 days a week, to 3, to 2, and the threat of the 2 days of work being turned into half days loomed. One of the main reasons is the doctor who she worked for, left for a another job. She worked well with the doctor and he often stuck up for Jess when issues with her supervisor arose because frankly, he knew Jess was in the right. He protected her. Then, he leaves, a new doctor comes in who really doesn't know Jess and suddenly, they don't need her anymore.

Jess started looking for a new job once this all started, and eventually decided on returning to the hospital. So, she returns to working on weekends and holidays, but also back to only working 3 12 hour shifts a week and earning close to $10 more per hour. I hope she'll be happy.

On a side note, Jess did find out through the grapevine that her sudden drop in hours - yes, it WAS personal. Not much you can do though.

I also don't know if I mentioned it, but I fired my problem client recently. I am sure long time readers have heard me bitch and bitch about one of my clients who gave me nothing but headaches because of her inability to work with me how I needed. Well, finally last month, I decided that the money wasn't worth the headaches and I fired her as a client. A weight was lifted for sure.

Other than that, not much going on. It was a wonderful weekend: I saw a movie I loved, Man U had a wonderful come from behind last minute victory, and I won a big poker tournament at my house. Last year was a tough year for poker, but I am having a pretty good year so far. Let's hope it stays that way. Tomorrow, I think it will be burgers and ice cream update. Have a good one!


Miss Sassy Pants said...

While I was indeed forced out of my position for what appears to be personal reasons, I have good faith that Karma will get them. I HOPE Karma will get them. I HAVE to believe Karma will get them, or else what justice is there in the world?!

While returning to the hospital wasn't my first choice, I am trying to stay focused on the positives (3 days a week, long stretches off, higher pay, better benefits) rather than the negatives (which I won't list because I'm not focusing on them!)

Jose said...

Good update, you know it's a good thing your wife could get the other job so fast, maybe the hours will be an invonvinience but at least both of you ware working. Now please go eat some more hamburgers because at this rate my guess is too far off. lol Eat, eat, mi amigo. Ummmm que rico!

Mom said...

NO!!!! Stop the hamburgers and Ice Cream! It's only April and I think you are close to my guess.

I'm a big believer in Karma as well Jess. It's what we have to hold on to.

Keep posting my son!

Sal said...

Way to go, both of you. I hate to get all new-agey, but few things are more empowering than taking action to fix a problem in your life. As someone who's had to get rid of a problem client now and then I know how good it can be for your general stress level.

I'm looking forward to another burger/ice cream update. I don't even remember my guess - I just love seeing the pictures and hearing about all this good eating! Coincidentally I am trying to make room in our freezer for a batch of homemade vanilla ice cream.

Thanks yet again for picking up the Pepper Plant. I'm a huge barbecue sauce fan, and it's safe to say that I've found my favorite.

nani said...

I am glad Jess is out of that awful office. I do believe in Karma. You may not know about it though. Karma is kind of a personal experience.
I'm glad you finally got rid of your problem client. You were way more tolerant than I would have been.
I'm glad you had a good weekend. We were a part of that and we are so happy with our new TV. Thanks again for the time and effort you put in to it. We had fun too.
We wished you good luck in poker and it seemed to have worked! YAY!!
Looking forward to you next post.
Hugs and smiles. :-)

Churlita said...

labor and delivery? I'm sure the hours suck, but what great work.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the new job! It sounds a lot like what happened to me last year. What is it with people and their petty personal vendettas? I mean, WTF! Like life's not worth living if you can't stick it some random person in the office every couple months? At least the pay's better :)