Friday, December 09, 2005


It is funny that a message can come from the unlikeliest of places. So, I am sitting there watching the new episode of Smallville and by the end of the hour I have learned something from the episode. One, I really dig Allison Mack. She plays Chloe Sullivan on the show. Second and most importantly, I was reminded of something that will always be true in all of our lives. No matter who is giving the message or what the message is, there will always be many different ways to interpret said message. Such a subjective thing lessons tend to be. I could sit here and describe to you an exact moment in my life and ask you what lesson I should have learned from it and more than likely it would not be the same as my own interpretation. In the end life is a series of questions that have two answers. Yes or no? Good or bad? left or right? Each answer will lead you to the next question and by the end of the day you have conducted your own pop quiz on life. I guess in this lil analogy the Final Exam in life youtake is either having to say I DO or I DON'T. Guess I won't have to answer that question this lifetime. :)


MrManuel said...

There will always be two ways to interpret a message. Since it is the Christmas season, let's take the Scrooge story as an example. Most people say, "Look, Scrooge was an unhappy and lonely man, but the second he started being nice to people, look, he suddenly is a more cheery person and has more meaning in his life than just money." But you know some rich person somewhere sees that story and says, "Look what I learned from the story. When you start being nice to people, sure, you make more friends, but you start losing money with gifts and donations and stuff like that. Hell, I would rather keep my money than give it to some probably ungreatful kid. Screw friends, money seems to be more important!" Are you telling me not one rich person views this tory like this? I think not...

MrManuel said...

So I had no idea who Allison Mack was so I went on her website. Wow, Rich, she's a hottie! Good choice.

Anonymous said...

Ok so I'm not going to comment on some chicks looks and I have never seen smallville before, but I just have to say I really enjoy Rich's comments...they are just so deep and really get me thinkin and always seem to stir up other peoples thoughts...they make for an interesting topic of conversation.