Thursday, June 22, 2006

An interesting concept

The United States is out of the World Cup(more on that tomorrow), so I thought it would be good to write something positive(the anger comes tomorrow). I stumbled across a great site today while reading the comments on Val's blog. This guy, the Complimenting Commenter, has a very cool site where aims to get people to leave positive comments on other people's blogs. As today is the first day of summer, he is challenging people to leave 100 comments to 100 different people by the end of the summer. Doesn't sound too hard. I actually think it is an awesome idea. I get to see what other blogs are out there while maybe(hoepfully) getting people to come pay me a visit. I added a link on the side here as well as a couple of other cool blogs I have discovered in the last couple of days. Check them out if you get a chance and wish me luck in my goal to leave 100 compliments. As angry and pissy a person as I am, it might be a good thing...


Anonymous said...

That is a nice idea. I saw that too. I surf the blogs sometimes and leave comments if they allow anonymous.
Try to be a little less pissy and angry and a little more positive. Karma sweetie.

MrManuel said...

I'm not really worried about Karma. I do enough good for people in my daily life that I think it evens out....

Anonymous said...

Here's MY compliment: You are a very good writer, Manuel!

I have reading ghost stories on, "Obiwan's UFO-Free Paranormal Page," and MAN! People do not know how to spell or make a correct sentence! Thanks for communicating correctly!

Unknown said...

Visited the complimenter. Good blog. As for the U.S dropping out of the World Cup, it's about time.

Anonymous said...

But he didn't compliment you on your blog. hmmm! I'll compliment you son - You are not afraid to take risks and speak your mind, and that is just one of the manyreasons why I love you so!