I survived my first week of my new job. Here are some of my thoughts...
I felt like I wasn't too helpful. I go to orientation and stuff all next week, and there I'll learn the computer system and get my log-ins. This week I mainly shadowed everyone - the last half of Monday with the advice nurse, Tuesday and Wednesday with the people doing prenatals (which I'll do) and Wednesday I even did one on my own, Thursday again with the advice nurse, and I took calls and gave advice while she did the computer stuff, and today neither the advice nurse nor the people doing prenatals were there so I cleaned out and organized the cabinets with all the informational brochures and helped everyone with their little things. I actually left early - 315pm - because there was nothing to do. I couldn't take advice calls because, again, I don't know the computer system.
The people I work with are all very friendly and willing to help and answer questions. The doctors are all nice. They are fun and laugh, and it is pretty laid back. The only thing is, there is no break room in our office, so everyone gathers in the office of the doctor on-call and eats. Only, nobody invited me. I shouldn't feel like I need an invitation, I mean, I have every right to eat my lunch with them, but at the same time, I feel kinda like I'm intruding. So I ate lunch by myself 3 of the days. It's no big deal - I usually call Manuel or read. It's only 30 minutes (I do that by choice. I'm so used to not even getting a lunch, 30 minutes is fine. I wouldn't know what to do with myself for an hour.)
The commute sucks. I'm so used to having no commute, and the little bit I did drive to the hospital was so early/late there was no traffic. Going to work is usually worse than coming home. The fastest it took me was 20 minutes and that was today with absolutely no traffic. The longest it took me was 45 minutes. Coming home usually takes about 30 to 40 minutes. Still though, even if it takes me an hour to get home, I get there before I would if I was still at the hospital...
This 5 days a week thing... I guess I never realized how nice it is to have days off during the week. It's not awful, but I must admit that the thought, "I have to do this for 3 more days" did cross my mind Tuesday morning.
8 hours - I LOVE IT! The day goes SOOOOOOO fast. Even though it's only 4 hours less than what I did at the hospital, it really makes a difference.
I did inadvertently create trouble this week. I swear, I can't even go a week without stirring up the shit...
During lunch with the advice nurse on Thursday we were talking about the difference between this job and the hospital. Thursday was VERY slow and we actually spent a good chunk of time looking at magazines and talking. During lunch she mentioned something about this probably being the easiest job I've had, and I agreed, saying, in passing, "This is the easiest (insert dollars/hour here) I've ever made!" She said, "You make (insert dollars/hour here)?" Instantly I knew I had screwed up. If I could just turn back time... "No..." "Yes you do. You make (insert dollars/hour here) and I only make (insert less dollars/hour here). You've been a nurse for 2.5 years and I've been a nurse for 22 years and you make more than me?!"
I can understand that she was upset. I admit, the situation is f'd up. If that were me, I'd be pissed too. She went to the bosses and mentioned it to them. They told her that if she went to HR about it, I could get into trouble. She told me she wouldn't do that to me. The bosses called HR and mentioned it to them without mentioning my name. She didn't get more money, but somehow they made her feel better. They told her they were desperate to fill the position and that's why they offered more money. Either way, there went Jessica, on her 4th day, stirring up the shit.
I also like the job because it is a set, regular schedule, allowing Manuel and I to set a gym schedule we can stick to. We went to the gym Monday and Wednesday, more than we were able to do when I worked at the hospital, getting home at 730pm after working my ass off and having to get up at 520am to do it again the next day. So hopefully this new job will assist with the weight loss - if I'm able to exercise self-control when the drug reps bring goodies to the office!
Next week I get my computer learn on, then the plan for the next week is Monday and Tuesday do advice for real so I can learn the computer in our actual setting, then do advice on my own Wednesday (the regular advice nurse takes Wednesdays off.) Thursday and Friday I'll do prenatal appointments.
Overall I am very happy so far. I can feel that I'm happier, perkier, more joyful. I feel better not dreading going to work. It was a good move.