Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Misdirected Relief

What kind of a world do we live in now where a plane crashes into a high rise in NYC, and after a few moments of shock, we feel relief that reports say it was just an accident? It is not surprising that our first thoughts are of terrorism when we hear of a crash like this. It is not unreasonable for us to think that. What is weird though is to hear television reports talk about relief that it was not a terrorist attack. Pre 9/11, we would be talking right away about what a tragedy this was. In the world we live in today, somehow, some people have something positive to take from this - at least it wasn't a terrorist attack. It's really weird to think like that.

Now we hear that it was a Yankee player who crashed his plane into the building. Just weird...


Anonymous said...

You are right. It is terrible to feel relief that it was "just and accident". Sad and weird. I've said it before. It is a different world we live in and things will never be the same.

MrManuel said...

Nani - Yes, different world indeed.

POM - Nope, I am sure his family has taken this news slightly different.

Anonymous said...

It's like saying "at least it was only a regular bomb, not a nuclear one..."