Thursday, October 26, 2006

I missed you...

I'm talking about my laptop of course. All week, I have been without my laptop because the powed cord broke. I've had to use the computer in one of the bedrooms. I've missed being able to type, surf, and chat in front of the tv on the sofa. Lazy? Sure. But it makes me realize how spoiled I am. So welcome back to my life Mr. Laptop. I'm so happy you got a new cord today.

The trailer for Season 6 of 24 was released yesterday. I am sure this is just for the first handful of episodes, but it sure looks fun! Can't wait! God, I hope they kill Chloe! Worst character on tv, maybe ever.

You know what I haven't done in a while? A movie quote quiz. For those of you new readers, I will give three quotes, all from the same actor. You just name the actor and what movie he/she said them in. But like always, please, no cheating. If you don't know it, you don't know it. I don't remember who I have and have not used before, so it could be a repeat actor...

1. "Ain't gonna be no rematch."

2. "I woke up. Why don't you? You're an asset. An expendable asset. And I used you to get the job done, got it?"

3. "Damned alligator just POPPED up, cut me down on my prime. He got me, but I tore one of the bastard's eyes out though"


Jose said...

To this day I still don't know what a lap top is. OK I know what it is I just can't get used to them, my brother just bought himself one and I tried using it but I got frustrated because I couldn't get used to the keyboard and I missed the number pad. Seems to me the older I get the less I like new technologies. Oh shit I just called myself old.

Anonymous said...

I have a laptop. I don't like mine because it is too slow. Seth uses it to watch his shows and he likes it.
I don't watch 24. We have too many things to watch as it is.
I don't know who said those quotes. I'm quote illiterate. :-(
See you tomorrow night. Baby Butler is getting married!

Anonymous said...

The first two comments sound like something Ike Turner might have said to Tina Turner in "What's Love Got to Do With IT". LOL.
Ya got me - I'm stumped.

Miss Sassy Pants said...

I can't think of his REAL name, as I always refer to him as his character in Happy Gilmore - Chubbs. The third one is from Happy Gilmore.

Anonymous said...

I loved the 24 trailer. To all those who have never watched it - it is the best. There is a lot of good shows out there but 24 is addicting. Thanks for the trailer!

MrManuel said...

Jose - Laptops do take some getting used to for some people. Took my wife a little bit to get used to it.

Nani - Well, if the compute is slow, than yeah, I guess it defeats the purpose of having it.

Sonja - That made me laugh out loud when I went back to read the quotes.

Mrs. - Good job babe!

Mom - You're welcome!