Sunday was a very enjoyable day for me. After doing my list of chores that Jessica left me while she was at work, I decided that I was going to have a nice leisurely day of reading - with football on in the background of course. As you can see on my sidebar, I'm reading World War Z, but since I am reading that book to Jessica, I had to pick something else. I decided to pick another book that I had checked out at the library, "Mary, Mary", by James Patterson. For those of you who don't know, I am a big James Patterson fan. LOVE his books. This book was the most recent in his Alex Cross series. Like all other Alex Cross books, this one was really good. This one was about a serial killer in L.A. that was killing prominent people in the entertainment industry. As it was only three hundred pages, I was able to polish it off in one day. Great book. If you have never read a book in the Alex Cross series, I highly recommend starting with the first one and moving your way through them. They are all, VERY GOOD.
This next story is almost too crazy to be true, but it is:
From Anova.com
Police hunt farting dissident
Police in Poland have launched a nationwide hunt for a man who farted loudly when asked what he thought of the president.
Hubert Hoffman, 45, was charged with "contempt for the office of the head of state" for his actions after he was stopped by police in a routine check at a Warsaw railway station.
He complained that under President Lech Kaczynski and his twin brother Jaroslaw, the country was returning to a Communist style dictatorship.
When told to show more respect for the country's rulers, he farted loudly and was promptly arrested.
Hoffmann was arrested and released on bail but failed to turn up at a Warsaw court early this week to be tried, and the judge in the case rejected an appeal by defence lawyers to throw the charges out.
A court spokesman said: "Such a case of disrespect is taken very seriously."
Instead the court ordered the police to start a nationwide hunt for the man, and interpol have been alerted."
Really? Arrested for farting? Farting?!? Note to self - DO NOT movie to Poland and fart when the police ask you a question!
Two photoshop pictures today. First is the long awaited MerManuel. It's not my best work. I was actually having a LOT of problems with it because Ben Stiller's chin/neck/face is SO skinny, and mine is....well, not skinny. Made it really hard with my limited skills, but, I did it...kind of.

The next one is a pic of me and my friends spliced in with some poker pros. This one I mainly did to send to all my friends. It was fun to do, but unless you follow poker, this probably means nothing to you...

I wish I still had time to read. I do but I'd rather watch TV these days.
People who fart loudly are disgusting and should be arrested and sent to fart prison everywhere in the world. ;-)
Love you as a merman. Very sexy.
Nice picture. They just passed a law barring bank transfers for poker sites. That's a hobby that will be sorely missed.
I like James Patterson too. I have read a couple of the ones about the female detective (the titles escape me now)and they were very entertaining. They made a movie out of one of them, again I can't remember.
I LOVE reading. I keep a journal of every book I read so I can go back and reminisce. I read so much that I made a database on my PDA so I wouldn't buy books I've already read (books I've read 10+ years ago where I may repurchase them because they sound so good).
Nani - I try to make time to read as often as possible despite my tv addition.
BR - Well, it will be fought I'm sure. Hopefully...PPA Unite!
Sonja - Women's Murder Club - Great books!
L Chou - Dorkfish
We have freedom to fart here in America. Thank God we live here.
MerManuel! LOL!!!!
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