Monday, October 23, 2006


Clever title huh? Sorry for the lack of posts since Thursday. My A/C cord on my laptop took a dump on me and only is going on whatever battery I have left in the laptop. I ordered a new one today, but I am sure it will be a couple of days until Fed/Ex gets it to me. Sure, I have the desktop computer, but one can get really spoiled using a laptop from the living room for so long.

Saturday, we had a birthday party to celebrate Jessica's great grandma's 100th birthday. I am sure she will have pictures later, but I have to say, that is simply an amazing achievement. What a lady! It was really a great time.

No word on a government job yet. Almost every job I applied for back in August/September hasn't even closed yet, so I could be waiting a while. There is one test I want to take that Jerry over at One Sided War suggested, but I am still waiting for it to open again. Talk to one lady who works for some state recruiting office who told me to not get discouraged. She said, with my background and education, I WILL find something, but it will just take time for someone to find me.

I do have a new dilemma though. I have been working more and more for Jessica's stepmom's medical billing agency. In fact, I really like it. She mentioned that someone who has a business similar to her's is thinking of selling it. She mentioned that I oculd buy it, and then we could kind of go into business together. I say kind of because I would have my clients, she would have hers, but we could help each other when needed. In my head, it sounds like a great idea. It would be my own business from home, doing something I like, and it is pretty profitable. It is not like I would be trying to start up a new business from scratch. The clients are in place. It is just scary to try another venture like that. I left a good teaching job to try my hand at real estate. When the market took a dump, I had to get out. It just scares me to try another job like this rather than getting a regular old office, 9-5, white collar job. I don't know. I just need to see how it all looks on paper I guess. What do you guys think?


Anonymous said...

Without knowing the details of the books and the other things like that, I say jump at it. I would love to own my own business, and taking over an already profitable one would be about the easiest way I can imagine to get in.

Anonymous said...

It's always a great idea to have your own business and set your own pay and hours.
Not knowing your total financial picture though, it may not be right. If your wife's paycheck can sustain you during the uncertainty of the beginning stages of your business, I say go for it! Plus it will be another feather in your cap when it comes to listing experience on your resume.
The only other thing is how much it will cost you to buy this business. Maybe it would be worth a professional looking at the business books to make sure it's a good value for you to purchase.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a perfect opportunity and especially perfect for you. Work at home! What a dream come true. Do it!

Jose said...

My mom always says "El que no arriesga no gana" If you don't take the risk you won't gain a thing. With no schooling my mom has been an enteprenuer and if I had a chance like that I would jump at it.

At least take the time to find out about the business soon to be for sale.

MrManuel said...

Everyone - I am just going to sit down with the books and see if it is right financially for me. It is so right for me every other way so we'll see. The lady hasn't for sure decided to sell it yet anyways. Still have to wait for her to make that decision....

Anonymous said...

I know we talked about this on Sunday. I think Fran has a good head on her shoulders and would not advise you on something she didn't think would work out. I know it is risky but I agree that you have to weigh the financial aspects first and then see how fast it would be before $$ would start to come. Never plan on getting rich but just finding something that you like and enjoy. If this is it (really) then why not - especially if you have your good wife behind you. It has to be a decision between the two of you. You are smart

Crazy Bitch said...

I agree with everyone!