Thursday, February 01, 2007

How many of you?

Sonja talked about this on her website a while back and Kelly also brought it to my attention somewhat recently. This website shows how many other people in the country have the same name as you. It also lists how popular your first and last names compared with all other names.

Here is some info on my first name:

There are 271,472 people in the U.S. with the first name Manuel.
Statistically the 231st most popular first name. (tied with 2 other first names)
More than 99.9 percent of people with the first name Manuel are male.
Names similar to Manuel:

And my last name:
There are 20,998 people in the U.S. with the last name Valle.
Statistically the 1664th most popular last name. (tied with 279 other last names)

And when you combine my two names(with link just for you):
LogoThere are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Pretty fun huh? Give it a try and let me know!

Did you know: The large majority of the time, I respond to your comments. Be sure to go back after you comment to see what I wrote back to you....


Anonymous said...

I did it when Sonja had it on hers. I think there were 5 people with my first and last name. I was disappointed because I thought I was the only one. LOL! What an ego.
I always go back to see what you said back to me. :-)

Jose said...

I will have to give this a try. My first name is very common but my last name isn't. We'll see how it goes.

Mom said...

That was fun - There are 29 of me. I always go back and check the comments as well.

Mom said...

Since I am a Valle by marriage I decided to check how many "originals" of me there were and to my surprise there were 111 - yet my original last name - Guerrero - was 406th out of 80,992 people, tied with 20 other names. Very interesting!!! I guess I'm proud to be a Valle

Miss Sassy Pants said...

I've always know my first name was popular - #1 name for girls 1 or 2 years in a row... Apparently there are 734,923 Jessicas. There are 51 Jessica Valles - which surprises me, since I am a Valle by marriage, and Jessica isn't a very Hispanic name... My maiden name? There 382 Jessica Kelleys.

Just for fun I typed in the name John Smith - John is the 2nd most popular first name (4,923,984) and Smith is the 1st most popular last name (3,017,684). There are 49,535 John Smiths - I thought there'd be more...

Miss Sassy Pants said...

CASSIE!!!! You're going to be the ONE AND ONLY Cassandra Lowney!! FUN!!!!

Anonymous said...

As Cassandra Valle, there are only 8 of me, but when I get married and become Cassandra Lowney, I'm going to be the ONLY ONE! That's the coolest! That makes me definitely want to change my name!

MrManuel said...

Nani - 5 in the whole country isn't bad!

Jose - Be sure to let us know...

POM - 15 isn't bad.

Mom - Valle's are more original.

Jess - Yeah, having a Valle name is better.

Cass - You are an original!