Monday, April 23, 2007

The 5 Things That Pissed Me Off Last Week #6

I'm going to mix it up a little this week and do them all in haiku form. Why? Beats me....

#5 - No poker last Sat.
Crap, had to go out of town
Will play this weekend.

#4 - Shootings on campus
Video games blamed again
Point finger elsewhere

#3 - Ants still in the house
I thought they were gone, but no
May they burn in hell!

#2 - NBA playoffs
Damn, they started last weekend
The Kings will not play.

#1 - I gained too much weight
Last week was very bad, yo
Don't eat so much, freak!


Anonymous said...

5. More money to take with you next week....

4. Either video games or heavy metal music, "they" always need a scapegoat.

3. Sympathies on that.

2. NHL playoffs started, cannot find a network showing them.

1. I drank too much beer the past 5 days, gained some bad weight.

PS, I am back

Anonymous said...

You don't seem as pissed off in Haiku. :-)

Sharon said...

All in all I guess 5 pissed off moments isn't so bad in a week.

Like the Haiku version.

Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

Sounds good in Haiku.. I have a couple of things but nothing worth reporting.. but will eventually post about it...

Battlerocker said...

I agree--fingers are being pointed everywhere. It's easier to deal with what happened as a action line for a a cause, worthy or otherwise. It's not, and using a tragedy is using a tragedy, whatever you're intentions. Pisses me off too.

Mom said...

I like the Haiku version.
Here's to a good week!

MrManuel said...

Evil E - Yeah, I hate that there always has to be a scapegoat. Usually it is things I like.

Nani - Yeah, it is a little nicer

Sharon - Yeah, not too bad

babybull - Glad yo ulike it

BR - Couldn't have said it any better

Mom - I hope so