Friday, April 13, 2007

Fat Free Friday #10

BOOO!! No weight loss this week. Then again, I didn't gain. I actually thought I would gain. I was SUPER bad last weekend and gained a few pounds by Monday. Luckily though, I was able to work those few extra pounds off to get myself back to what I had last week. So, 10 weeks down, 6.5 pounds lost. Oh well. Have a good weekend everybody!


PurpleOceanMoon said...

After gaining 3 pounds last week, I've really being trying to be good. I can't bring myself to see if I lost anything. I'll check tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Good job not gaining. I was kind of bad too eating cake, ice cream and potato salad. I was pretty good the rest of the weeek so no loss but that's OK. Diane is getting better from her damaged tendon in her heel so we should start walking again soon. That will help a lot. My goal is 10 lbs by middle of August.

Mom said...

No weight loss either and no gain so I'm feeling pretty good. I do, however, feel a little thicker again, so I defintely need to tone. Good job everyone!

Miss Sassy Pants said...

I forgot to weigh today, so we'll call this week a wash and remember for next week.

On a cool note, I realized today that I weigh less than it says on my driver's license! And I ALWAYS lie on my driver's license, so to actually weigh less is AWESOME!

Sebastien Millon said...

Happy weekend! At least you didn't gain, like you said, hopefully next week will be a good one for you!

Battlerocker said...

I've been losing weight every week, but then again I'm on something of a drink-the-kool-aid, join-a-cult kind of diet. / exercise program. What are you trying?

And, I have to join the choir; not gaining is the main victory. You have the rest of your life to lose weight--stopping the gain is the immediate victory.

Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

I haven't weighed myself in a long long time.. I guess I'm afraid to.. Actually I don't even have a scale in my house.. I think they are evil.. I know Ihave lost some of the baby weight.. I hope to lose some more before summer.. I'm not dieting as much as just watching what I eat.. although chocolate is my downfall.. Good luck to you in losing some weight.. In the long run its so much better for you health wise... Like you haven't heard that before.. lol have a great weekend..

Anonymous said...

Keep chopping away at it. It is a long process, but the rewards are tremendous. Fight the good fight.

Anonymous said...

Remember - find a healthy lifestyle you can live with where food is concerned. The word "diet" implies a temporary change in eating...and you know what happens when the change stops!
P>S> The USDA Food Pyramid is not the way to go. Any decent nutritionist will tell you it's too heavy on breads.

Miss Sassy Pants said...

Sonja, the USDA is trying to promote a new, inverted food pyramid, where breads are still on the bottom, only now that the pyramid is upside down, there are less.

~A said...

Hey not gaining is a feat in itself sometimes. Glad you're making progress!

MrManuel said...

POM - Hope it went well!

Nani - One day of cake, ice cream, and potato salad is ok as long as you were good the rest of the week. Good luck with the goal.

Mom - That is what works!

Mrs - Good luck this week.

Seb - Ehh...we'll see.

BR - I am just trying to eat in moderation and go to the gym 3x a week.

babybull - True, they are evil

evil e - Amen brother!

Sonja - Yeah, I don't like to say diet because that is not what I really do. Portion control.

Aprill - Thanks!

npanth said...

Losing weight is hard. I just mowed through a bunch of sesame chicken, so I'm not a good example. Seems to me that being mindful of good nutrition is half the battle. you're doing the right thing, the results will come.