Ok, seriously, this suing people for no good cause is getting out of hand. Allan Heckard, of Portland, is suing Michael Jordan and Nike each $416 million because he says that he can't live a normal life because of his likeness to Jordan. He says he just wants repayment for all the pain and suffering he gets as a result for not being able to go out in the world without being harrassed. How he came up with the total of $832 million, I have no idea. I would love to see how this one turns out... you know, only because I get mistaken for Brad Pitt all the time.
This old guy here looks like a pretty nice guy right? You might like to strike up a nice conversation with him on a park bench right? This is 80 year old Felix Cocco of Pittsburgh. What is this nice little old man do? Well, he was arrested for dealing crack out of his house AND bringing hookers over to his house and trading the crack for sex. Why? Well, his response to the judge was that he was simply trying to pay the bills and figured that it was cheaper to trade crack for sex than just straight out paying for sex. From the looks of his deal, it looks like he might only be getting 6 to 18 months in jail. You get a discount at Denny's and reduced jail sentences? Lucky ass.....
Here is a classic video to help bring the mood back up a little. Have a great weekend everybody!
Oh yeah...in case you havent heard, this is now the IN way to solve your problems with others. Thanks for starting the trend Zidane.
That was so funny!! Boy, that old guys a pervert! That's funny that it's cheaper to trade crack for sex. HA HA!! You know I can't go anywhere with out being called J-LO. I know how it is. I should sue her for Millions
I think I have heard everything! Actually that old guy looks like Robin Williams so he should sue and make his money that way instead. I loved the videos! Back atcha!
That was hilarious!
That was so funny!! Boy, that old guys a pervert! That's funny that it's cheaper to trade crack for sex. HA HA!! You know I can't go anywhere with out being called J-LO. I know how it is. I should sue her for Millions
I think I have heard everything! Actually that old guy looks like Robin Williams so he should sue and make his money that way instead. I loved the videos! Back atcha!
That's just great. And I thought my lawsuit was frivilous. But at least i'm not trading crack for sex. Of course, he looks awefully happy. :)
What was UP with those people in the last video?!! Please don't tell me that those are Americans! No wonder the rest of the world hates us!
No no, not Americans. Just some Euros having fun over the Zidane incident...
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