Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Insert Creative Title Here

It's hotter than hell in these parts lately. I mean, what is it, 9 straight days now over 100 degrees? It wouldn't be quite so bad if it wasn't for the damn humidity that is coming with it. Well, not much humidity anymore, but for a couple of days, it was just suffocating. Almost felt like New York in the summer. That is an experience not soon forgotten. I hear by Thursday, the temperature might be below 100. We'll see. I did my open house this past weekend early, from 10am-1pm. As I was putting out my signs as 945am, I was sweating up a storm. Way to early for that. I would STILL take this over stormy weather.....probably.

I have a bunch of potential work stuff going on right now. Please think good thoughts.

These are 2 new Transformers posters that have come out in anticipation of the July 4th release next year. I have been thinking of getting a second tattoo. If I had to choose one of these, which one would you go for?

I've been playing again on photoshop. Here are a couple more of my latest creations:


Miss Sassy Pants said...

That's exactly where I like ya - in the palm of my hand...

Miss Sassy Pants said...

I forgot... I like the Autobot better than the Decepticon.

Anonymous said...

I can deal with the heat - I just don't like the humidity! Love the new pictures. Either one would make a great tattoo - just get one! You are past due and Jess too!

Anonymous said...

I can't stand the heat! Bring back rain and cold anytime. The heat makes me listless and slow.
Good luck and lots of good thoughts on the work stuff. Always thinking of you and wishing you the best.
I like both. Get them both like the happy and sad masks for acting. I forget what they are called (because I'm slow and listless from the heat).
Love the Bride of Chucky picture. Bride of Boy Boy. Remember that?
I always suspected Jess had you in the palm of her hand. Adorable.

Anonymous said...

Autobot's baby!!!! Those pictures are so cute!!

Anonymous said...

I think my mom's idea was good! Get both like Comedy and Tragedy!(I am in an air condtioned house) Or if you only want one, get the Autobot, because they are good.

This heat is CRAP! I can't live in this kind of heat! I babysat this weekend, and Jenn and I had to take the baby to her gramma's house in Carmichael. I have no air conditioning in my car, and the gramma didn't get home from work(Saturday) until 1pm, so we were driving in the 114 freakin' heat! The baby was completely wilted by the time we got there, and by the time we got home, my whole face was red and I could barely see. I could FEEL the moisture I work so hard to keep in my face, EVAPORATE! My eyes were steamy! I had to get into a cold, cold shower. I was lucky not to get a migraine! I will never forget that day!

I pray for luck for you, too! Cute pictures! Do more of those!

Anonymous said...

Go for the Autobot one!