Well, I missed the post yesterday, but I did mention that December 9th, was going to be a special day. Why? Well, besides it being Sushi's birthday, it was also the 2 year anniversary of my blog. Yes, I have been writing on this blog for a whole two years now. It's amazing that it has lasted this long. In fact, I am more enthused about ti now than ever before. I actually have readers and even though my last two posts have only garnered 3 and 2 comments respectively, I know I have a readership. Thanks to my wife and MrVideoGuy for their great contributions.
So what do I hope for the future of the blog? I don't know. More good ideas. More bloggers that I can share ideas with. More people commenting. You know, the usual stuff. I just hope I can keep you entertained for many posts to come. Thanks to everyone.
Congratulations! I'm looking forward to many more years. Hugs
Love your blog, buddy! Also can't wait to see more of your Photoshop creations!
Haven't heard from Jessica in awhile - how's the new job panning out?
Your blog has been one of the highlights of my life! It is great, and you are talented! I love you!
Congrats! Two years, that's a long time. You gotta give me tips on the photoshop, been trying to look up tutorials on how to create realistic shadows...
Congrats! Two years, that's a long time. You gotta give me tips on the photoshop, been trying to look up tutorials on how to create realistic shadows...
Lots of comments do not a blogger make.
I'm actually happy that I don't have very many. It means I'm not popular--and therefore lacking the pressure to blog that others do.
Nani - Thanks!
Sonja - She'll be blogging soon I believe.
CB - Wow, thanks!
Seb - I am so not ready to give tips yet! LOL. Actually, I don't know how to do shadows yet. Something I have to learn as well.
Val - I am a comment-whore!
Congrats! Two years is already a long time. I for one have enjoyed your blog since we were unformally introduced by the battlerocker blog. Keep up the good work, and keep the good stories coming.
Two years already - wow, congratulations. That's dedication.
I love all of them and I love your contributors. Keep up the good work
Two years is staying power in the blog world, congratulations. Keep it up, you have a good one :)
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