Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Top Five Tuesday #20

We're still pretty down here in the household about the baby situation whenever we think about it. Still, they say laughter is the best medicine. Let me try to make light of a tough situation. Here are the top 5 reasons why it is probably better I won't be a dad. I am just going to use he to make it easier and not have to write he/she every time.

#5 - I am not a fan of veggies at all! I really don't like any true vegetables at all except spinach. What kind of example would I set for my kid that he should always eat his vegetables when I never do?

#4 - I swear like a drunken sailor. Sometimes I don't even know I do it; it just comes out. I don't need to be raising a kid when every sentence I use has a swear word of some sort in it.

#3 - I have this thing with collecting. I think action figures are things that should be displayed on shelves and looked at from afar. Sure, I would have bought all the action figures my boy wanted, but would I let him actually play with them? Not so sure.

#2 - I am a super competitive person. I don't like to lose ever. I'm not so sure I would have been able to let him win at anything. Sports, board games, video games etc - the only way he would learn to get better and challenge himself - beat him down!

#1 - I have a thing with spit up and vomit. I can't see it. I can't smell it. I am pretty sure that babies do that no matter what you do. I see or smell it though and I start gagging harshly. I just don't know how I would ever be able to get over it. It wouldn't be fair for Jessica to pick up all the messes. So, I would have had to do some of the mess clean up....and then she could pick up the mess I made while doing it.


Mom said...

Funny list and all so true. You know - you did teach your sister how to swear, so I'm sure your child would have been next. Hey, you even taught me to swear more than I ever did! Keep up the laughter!

Anonymous said...

You swear?
All of these and more are true. Let the healing begin. :-)

Churlita said...

Laughter is the best medicine and you are hilarious. I hope you heal quickly.

PurpleOceanMoon said...

Vomit is the worst, but you forgot about the mountains of poop. Even for someone small and Rose said (infront of Mom, Dad and Liz) "Look at that God Damn bird" I too speak sailor.

Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

Laughter is the best medicine.. Hopefully things will look brighter.. and that list is cool.. I like the one about the action figures...That I can totally see happening..keep on smiling.. :)

laura b. said...

This is what I call taking lemons and making a lemon drop. Nice attitude, Mr Manuel :-)

Anonymous said...

5. me too

4. me too

3. used to be a collector, but ran out of space

2. I am competitive, but not overboard. I get in the "game" with confidence and "play" that way. No matter what it is.

1. I used to hold my neighbor girl's hair while she puked. I have even eaten in the same room someone was doing it. I have that kind of stomach.

Tara said...

I can't stand to smell anything remotely like vomit or I'll feel like gagging too.

AlienCG said...

I have a very weak stomach for anything disgusting.