Thursday, July 12, 2007

Day 50

I have a grand total of $0.37 cents to my name. I have enough gas in my car to get me to the gas station tomorrow morning. I have one box of macaroni and cheese. I have a cracked front windshield on my car that I have to replace.

Ya know what? I'm still happy.

This ain't perfect no doubt. I can think of a few things I wish were in my life. I wish some things were not apart of it. I can still say I had a good weekend. Nothing special, but it was still good for me. And that is all that will ever really matter to me. Was it good enough for me? I hope I can say yes more often than not.

I am almost to my goal. The countdown has helped. I find a way to do more than I did the last day. I am pushing aside other things, but that is more a part of my 30-day cycle of obsessions I go through. That is a story for another time.

I don't miss her. Maybe it had something to do with having my nuts cut off for the last time a couple weeks ago.

I know what real work is and how to really sacrifice. I can't wait for my vacation. Later folks.

Rabble Rock!


MrManuel said...

If you can still be happy after the things you mentioned, then you are on the right track. 50 days to go...

Anonymous said...

You are a better man than I....

stay happy.

Mom said...

I'm glad you are still happy Rich. There is more to life! Your vacation is coming soon and it will be a fun one!