Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Day 53 and 52

"I can't sit here and watch you do this to yourself. I am not going to be able to look myself in the face if I let this moment go by as if it's not that big of a deal. Who knows if I will become an old man one day. If I do I will be able to say this. At that moment when I was at a point in time where I was going to either go down this road in life or another I made the choice I wanted to make. I didn't just sit and be a witness. This may keep me from being apart of a lot of people's lives, but I can live with sacrificing that much of my life. I am alright with being the bad guy to make my point perfectly clear.

Don't marry this man. I know what you are thinking. I know you are attempting to grow and move beyond the point of being in one family and just wanting to start your own. You are doing this for the wrong reasons and you are doing this with the wrong man. He isn't right for you. More to the point you are just going for the first person to look your way. He is just saying all the right things cause it's what guys are suppose to say in order to get what they ultimately want from women. You are putting all your eggs in one basket and hoping that he can be your savior. Marriage is not a way to get out of one bad situation. It's suppose to be a union of two people equally. I know what your parents did and how they acted around Mr. Wonderful. You have been fed lies be people who are afraid to tell you the truth about him. I will be the voice of honesty and reason cause...... cause....

Never mind the cause. Can you take your heart out of the equation and think logically about this. You do not need marriage to signify that you are a grown woman. You do not need any ceremony to prove your love and devotion to another person. You have spent most of your life helping others out and not looking out for yourself. You don't know how to be alone. You have to be able to say I am good with myself before you can make this kind of decision. Don't look around at all the people here. Look at me. I am the only person here who only cares about you. This isn't about me no matter how much I........I...........

You are way too young to settle. Look at all the opportunities you will be closing the door on. You are already talking about adding on to your family. You can't even take care of yourself. Hell you have already been taking care of the baby in the monkey suit standing next to you. I know all I need to know about this man and what you are signing up for. You look me in the eye and tell me the truth. I am the only one who can make you smile. I am the only one who can make you laugh. I am the one you call when you are feeling blue. I am the one you turn to when all of these people here are fucking up your day. If I am not that man then tell me right now and I will walk out of this building.

That's what I was going to say. If I was there back in 1997-98. I would have kept Maria from doing it.

You all didn't think I was practicing my speech for about 52 days from now did ya? :)

Rabble Rock!


Anonymous said...

You could so write screenplays!! I would totally pay $8.50 to see John Cusack say those words...

Miss Sassy Pants said...

It MAY have occurred to me that you were talking about a certain someone, but I trust you when you tell me the countdown isn't about her.

I truly hope you find an uncomplicated love one day soon.