Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Day 60. 59, 58 and 57

I am tired.
I am really broke.
I am out of extra credits.

Why do people not respond to my messages? I speak of Myspace in this instance and even emails? Are you really that busy? Life is a busy thing and I can understand that, but did I say something to offend you?

Ever find out something about someone that you really can't go around telling other people? I hate that feeling of having a kinda-secret that you have to just keep. Suck right?

Is something wrong with me that I suddenly want Transformers for my birthday? I am going to be 29 for Pete's sake

I didn't know this countdown thing would be so difficult. It's not even bout the writing part either.

Sold something on ebay the other day. I officially made negative 2 bucks. SWEET!

Why is my house so quite and peaceful this week? hmmmm

UFC Saturday night at Arco Arena. My only hope? Another episode of Tito Ortiz getting his ass kicked. Maybe for 3 rounds this time.

Anyone have any yard tools I can borrow? I have to garden my yards.

I miss ice cream. I haven't had it in a while.

Whoever invented text and picture messages can go to hell.

I found a new motivation for the next lil while. a nice movie and a wonder picture will carry my emotions for the next month or so.

That's all.

1 comment:

Miss Sassy Pants said...

That is one of my major gripes about a certain set of friends Manuel and I have - they never return our calls. I'm with you - are you REALLY THAT busy that you can't take 2 minutes to call me back... It makes you want to say f that friendship - I can't be the only one putting in the effort.

I am good at keeping secrets, although sometimes it is torturous.

There is nothing wrong with being 29 and wanting Transformers. When we were watching the movie in the theater I remember thingking to myself at one point, "I can SO see myself watching this on DVD at home!"

How was UFC?

We have yard tools. Funny, they're actually Manuel's dad's tools that we borrowed and never gave back...

I LOVE ice cream! You know that one little game where you say, "If you were stuck on a deserted island and could only have 1 food for the rest of your life, what would it be?" I always answer ice cream.

We are not fans of text messages. We don't use them so we don't subscribe to the unlimited thing, so every time someone sends us one, we get charged money. Just call us, for pete's sake!

I'm glad you've found some motivation. I like your posts, especially these random thought ones. Sometimes, this can be more revealing than a long post about a single subject. But, unfortunately, I'm not sre anyone knows this post is here - I only discovered it just now by accident.