Friday, July 20, 2007

Frightful Dilemma Friday #6

Your question for the week. Remember, you HAVE to pick one. You can't opt out and say neither. That is the point of the game.

Would you rather have $500 destroyed by the washing machine


stolen, knowing who took it but being unable to prove it?

Here is a video of our new car. Bacuse I took it with my parent's digital cam, I had to break it up into 4 parts as the MBs were way too high to post toether on Youtube.



laura b. said...

You think of such hard choices! I guess I would chose to have it stolen rather than destroyed. Even if I couldn't prove it, I think I would feel better knowing the money was out there instead of just gone forever.
Your car is a beaut!

Jose said...

Destroyed by washing machine, if I can't enjoy it now one will, he he he.

Congrats on the car, when the previous model came out I instantly fell in love with it while everyone else hated the boxy look, my brother in law however did jump on the band wagon and bought one, he loves it, specially when the gas prices go up.

Now this new design does not call me at all, it is bigger and looks like an overgronwn station wagon. Hopefully the Nissan "Cube" will make it to the US, that's another one that I liked instantly too.

Anonymous said...

The 500.00 dollars cannot get you to and from work, I will go with washing 500.00 because that is easier to deal with. Not having a vehicle in some situations could cost more than that.

Anonymous said...

The washing machine. I would so much rather blame myself for being careless then KNOW who took it without being able to get it back.

Anonymous said...

Nice wheels dude! You've inspired me to go to the dealer and check one out. I have a Nissan Murano and I love it to death. But I keep my eyes open for something smaller that's got comfortable seats and better mpg. How much mpg is your new buggy designed to get?

Do you really like the center instrument cluster? I think I would have a little adjustment period with that.

As for the $500 question - I would rather it be stolen and know who did it for two reasons:
1) on some level, the person who stole it needed it more than me, and
2) if I know who did it, I can avoid this person in the future!