Tuesday, July 10, 2007

For some reason, blogger won't let me type anything out in the title heading. So, until it starts working, this is Top Five Tuesday #14.

I had a hard time thinking of a Top Five Tuesday for today. I almost said screw it, but I didn't post yesterday and felt I should get something up for you all to read. In honor of Harry Potter and the new movie and book coming out this month, I thought I would do a magic themed post.

Here are the top 5 things I wish I could do with magic.

#5 - I wish I could speak to animals mostly so I could know what my dogs are trying to tell me. It is obvious at times that they are trying so hard to tell me something and I have no idea. Think of how much easier it would be to have a pet if you could understand them. Speakus Animalias!

#4 - Remember the movie Fantasia where Mickey brings a bunch of brooms and such to life so they can clean on their own? I need to figure out that trick. Brooms and vacuums come to life to do floors! Gloves come to life to pull weeds! Sponges come to life to do dishes and clean cars! Oh the possibilites are endless!! Dirtus Begoness!!!!

#3 - I hate bad drivers. All of them. They cut you off, drive slow, drive to fast, weave in and out of traffic, come in your lane, etc, etc. There have been many times where I wish I could just run them off the road, without repercussions of course. Automotis Disappearus!

#2 - We could all use a little more spending money. Apparently, you have to play the lotto in order to win it. I haven't discovered a money tree seed to plant yet so I am going to have to come up with a spell to instantly give me some cash - Richeous Spendiferous!

#1 - I am a fairly friendly person if you know me, but as I have said before, I hate when people in stores/clerks try to make small talk with me. I don't need you commenting on what I bought and I don't need you to start rambling about the weather. It's 105 degrees and you tell me it's hot? No shit! So, with a flick of the wand, I get them to be quiet - Quietous Shutupedness!

What magic do you want?


Anonymous said...

I like all of yours especially the bad drivers one.
I'm not feeling real well today so a trick to instantly feel better.
Healthia Improvus!

Miss Sassy Pants said...

AWESOME list, Sweetie! I LOVE the spells at the end of each. Very clever. I agree with your speaking animals and getting more money spells.

I'd love the ability to heal. If I fall and scrape my knee, step wrong and twist my ankle, get cancer, etc. I'd love to fix it - close the skin, heal the ligaments, get rid of the mass of cells. BooBoo Begonus!

Sometimes, ok, who am I kidding, most of the time at work I have nothing to do. When I have nothing to do, time sure does pass slowly. On the other hand, if I'm out having a good time with people I enjoy, time sure does fly by! I'd like the ability to control time. I'd speed it up when I am bored and slow it down when I'm having fun. Timeus Convenientus!

Anonymous said...

1. I want the power to influence people from afar. Just looking at a picture of them or seeing them on TV would cause them to obey me.

2. I would like to be able to blow things up with a mere thought, like other drivers.

3. Have you ever seen Scanners? That power.

4. Not magic, but the Force!

5. I would like to send my exact likeness to work for me while the real me stayed in bed and got those extra couple of hours sleep.

Anonymous said...

I want a spell where I can teach Mike how to clean! Mikeus Clenaupus!
And when Mike is being a smartass, like he always is I wish there was just a spell to make him be quiet!
Smartassus Shutupness!

npanth said...

Aviatum Nostum
I'd love to be able to fly.

Sharon said...

I would like to control the weather sometimes. Here in California it gets too hot too soon and we could always use more rain.

I definitely like your idea of making vacuums, brooms etc. come to life!

Sharon said...

Oh, I forgot to mention I would also like to have the power to control gaining weight... I want to eat whatever I'd like and not gain weight. Nor have my cholesterol & blood pressure be in question!

Okay this could go on forever what about the power to stop aging??

Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

I like yours.. they would all be used for good though... and maybe every so often throw in a nasty spell to ward off idiots on my street..

dmarks said...

On #1, how about clerks making small talk when there is a long long line backed up?

Jose said...

I try not to let anything bother me, but cell phone drivers I just can't stand it. Now that I have a phone I make sure no to upset myself by being one.

laura b. said...

Number one with a bullet is the one where inanimate objects do my cleaning for me. Yeah.

MrManuel said...

Nani - Yeah, that would be good to feel healthy just like that!

Ms - Timeus oould be an excellent spell!

Scanners - Yes, the power to make someone's head explode! Rock on!

Cass - Just tell him, clean it up now bitch!

Npanth - Yeah, that would be awesome.

Sharon, - Yeah, those hot CA days here would be great to control. And the weight one, perfect!

babybull - yeah, getting rid of idiots is a priority

dmarks - Dude, isn't that the worst!!???

Jose - Something people can't handle doing 2 things at once

LB - Yeah, every person's dream