Saturday, August 19, 2006

Bad Citizen

On occasion, when Manuel and I go to the movies, we'll movie hop. Ok, who am I kidding? We try to movie hop every time we go to the movies. We're not always successful, but we'll plan the movie we pay for based on what time another movie we want to see starts, just in case. I know, I know - that's not legal, it's stealing, it's cheating... Whatever. That's not the point of this post (although I do feel like a weight has been lifted after my confession.)

So we went to the movies yesterday. And we were successful, so I have 2 movies to talk about.

Snakes on a Plane - This one we paid for. When Manuel told me about it when it first started filming, I thought (and still do) the premise was ridiculous. Snakes on a plane? Come on!

On a side note, could Samuel L. Jackson be any cooler? He always looks good, talks smooth, saves the day. I SOOO want to be him when I grow up.

Back to the movie... As much as I hate to admit it (and later Manuel and I had the following conversation: M: I'll accept your apology now. J: For what? M: Because you know you liked it!) it was EXTREMELY entertaining. There were parts what were pretty darn unrealistic, but really, sometimes you just have to suspend reality and sit back and be entertained. There were some really funny parts. Some of the death scenes were enjoyably gruesome. It's fun when the asshole finally gets what's coming to him, especially when it's a really good death. Yeah, if you just want to sit back and be entertained for an hour and 45 minutes, go see this movie.

The Descent - This one we did not pay for. And, just so I feel better, a few weeks ago we had tickets to go to a free screening, but ended up not going because Manuel had to go sell a house or something. :-) So the fact that we didn't pay today is ok because we were going to see it without paying anyway.

Anyway, this movie is, without a doubt, one of the scariest movies I've seen in a long time. It was dark, suspenseful, gory, bloody, everything a scary movie should be. There was this one part where you knew something was going to happen when they turned the corner, only they took forever to do it, so we were on the edge of our seats the whole time. I just wanted to scream, "JUST DO IT! GET IT OVER WITH!" It was great! I often found myself giggling because the tension was too much to handle. Cassie, you are brilliant - your ear-plugging technique saved me from some scares a few times - I could see Manuel jumping out of the corner of my eye! If you enjoy a good scary movie, see this one.


Anonymous said...

We are planning to see Snakes when it comes out on DVD. I have a friend who saw it and he said it was pretty good. A little silly. He is about my age.
We will never see the Descent. Sounds too scary. We can't take that kind of suspense. We're too old and afraid of a heart attack. :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you finally confessed, because you guys (and you guys alone) are the main reason movie prices are so high. There, now, I feel better too! I'm just kidding - I would do it too but I just can't sit in a movie theater that long. I'll see Snakes when it comes out on DVD also but I'm with you sis, I'll never see the other. Scary movies are not my thing. Even using Cassie's technique - although you are right, it does help.

Battlerocker said...

I want to see snakes, if only for the name. I'm glad you gave it the good review. And I want to be Sam too.

Jose said...

One of the things I look for in a movie is entertainment and it sounds like snakes is entertaining but I must admit when I saw the first trailer I thought to myself what kind of crap is that, snakes on a plane. But now I will just wait til it's out on DVD. My wife hates scary movies and will not under any circumstances watch one so I usually end up watching her girly kinda movies and to my surprise some are actually cool.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if I'll ever see "Snakes," but I have a sinking feeling that I will HAVE to see that scary movie. Jenn's gonna make me:(

You know what helps with scary movies at home? Fast forward;)