Thursday, August 17, 2006

Say hello to my little friends...

As you may have noticed, I have other blogs listed on my sidebar. They are all great and I make sure to visit them daily, often times more than once. If you haven't been reading them, check them out, leave a comment, and tell them Manuel sent ya. Here is a breakdown of what they are:

Battle Rock Spot - A law student that writes some really thought provoking articles.

Gospel According to Rhys - A Welsh guy living in England. He writes some hilarious articles, and not just because it is fun to picture him reading it with his accent.

Valkyrie's Aerie - Awesome aspiring writer and the first person I ever shared a link with in blogland.

One sided war - A fellow Sacramentan who works in government and has some great views on politics. Some funny views on the way the government is being run.

The Jerk Store - Just an angry, angry guy. Funny as hell though even though I don't always agree with what he writes. Love when people just aren't afraid to vent like this.

Exploits of a Modern-Day Geisha - Superwoman. She is in college training to save my ass should I ever be stranded in the jungle or ocean. Funny...

Night Panther - Photographer who takes the most AMAZING pictures. Even if you just want to see some cool pics, it is worth a visit...

Sorry to have to do this, but I have to turn on word verification on the site. You haven't noticed, but on a LOT of my old posts, I have been getting tons of spam. To prevent this, I am going with word verification. In case you don't know what it is, its easy. After you type your comment, it will have a series of letters you just have to copy. It helps with spam email. You just have a few more letters to type now that is all. Hope that doesn't prevent people from commenting as it is really easy. Let me know if you have questions. And please, give my fellow bloggers a little love when you get a chance. If you aren't checking them out too, you're missing some good stuff. And check out Rich's post below if you haven't. It is his best to date!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out!

You're awesome too.

Anonymous said...

So I went to Night Panther's blog...have you seen the picture of the cat? It totally looks like Kaiser...oh how I miss that cat!

thejerkstore said...

thanks for the burn. always appreciated. i like the fact you aren't afraid to say you don't agree with me. i often don't agree with me.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I visit Val and some of the others often, though I use another name. Word verification is a pain but if it helps, ok.
What happened to Kaiser?

npanth said...

Thou hast Pimpeth Mine Blogeth ;)
thanks! I just realizes that you're not on my blogroll
(Must plan revenge pimpage :))

Anonymous said...

I haven't been to the other sites, but now I have to check them out.