Friday, June 08, 2007

Frightful Dilemma Friday #1

WHAT?!?!? What happened to Fat Free Friday? Well, I decided to stop doing it. Truthfully, it wasn't as fun a post as I had envisioned. What I had in my mind as a group participation type activity never really surfaced. But, I'm ok with that. I think by stopping it, I will get out of the mentality that once I weigh in on Friday, I can eat as much junk as I want for the next few days. This might work out for the better.

With that, I wanted a new Friday feature. I am actually bringing back something my wife used to do on occassion - the "would you rather" questions. These are questions where both are horrible choices, but you HAVE to choose one. And you can't try to change the rules on it to make it better. Just pick one and if so inclined, tell me why you chose that one over the other. With that...

Would you rather...

1. Drink a glass of used bong water?


2. Drink a bottle of unidentifiable liquid that was found in the park from the night before?

Have a good weekend everyone. I know I have been bad with responding to your comments this week so I will make sure they are all responded to including the answers from yesterday by the end of the weekend.


Anonymous said...

I would rather drink a glass of used bong water!
In the chance that the unidentifiable liquid could be someones piss...please pass the bong!

npanth said...

I'd have to choose the bong water, too. Not a choice I'd like to make sober, which I guess is the whole reason I'm choosing between these two in the first place ;)

Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

I would rather drink a glass of used bong least you would know what was in it before hand... and maybe even have a little buzz...

laura b. said...

Yeah, I have to agree with the others...the devil you know over the devil you don't sort of thing....

Miss Sassy Pants said...

While Fat Free Friday helped me to be accountable for my weight loss (or not, lately), I'm with you - I also had the mentality that if I could just hang in there until Friday morning, all bets were off until Monday. Then any weight I did lose while being good during the week was erased by the weekend free-for-all. Plus I'm with you - it wasn't THAT fun of a post, not only did not many people participate, but when they did it was just "up this much" or "down that much." Not a lot of discussion.

But I think this new idea - you're welcome for the name, by the way - will be more fun and help spark some discussions. With that said, my choice would be the used bong water. As disgusting as it may be, the possibilities of the unknown liquid from the park is WAY worse. My mind is reeling at the concoctions...

Anonymous said...

Maybe the bong water has some nutrients in it?? It's kinda like a soup, after all.

Mom said...

Sorry about the Fat Free Friday not working out but I understand where you are coming from. I really like this new idea. It was fun when you guys used to have that calendar. On that note, I'll take the bong water, definitely. At least knowing what you are drinking is far better than not knowing!

Sebastien Millon said...

Hands down the bong water, haha!